Wednesday, 12 July 2017


 What is more important I am often asked, the camera body or the glass, my comment every time is spend the big money on lenses, as they will last you years, if you look after them. When I first purchased a digital camera, I bought full frame lenses. I knew I would be up grading my camera more than the lenses, I bought a 70mm to 200mm F2.8 G series lens in 2007, sold it in good working order in 2017, I had owned 5 camera bodies in this time.  I started with a crop sensor digital camera that was all I could afford, I saved my pennies and slowly but surely got the trinity of lenses, all full frame all F2.8. If you are not sure what the trinity of lenses is, it is the lens range, -14mm to
24mm, 24mm to 70 mm, 70mm to 200mm, generally a must for most professional photographers.
I know oh too well what it is like not to have money, lenses especially good lenses are expensive new, I buy second hand, I can get the lens I want for half the price sometimes and nothing wrong with it, it has been played with by someone else, so what, as long as the glass is clean and the elements line up. Recently I decided I wanted/needed a 85mm prime lens for portraiture, I wanted F1.4 as I love that narrow DOF. I looked new $1995 I could not afford that amount of money, I work for myself and my income is like feast and famine. So I went to trusty Trade Me and classifieds on Facebook, I eventually found one at the price I could afford, not perfect but I compromised, do we not often have to do that to get the right image.  I love the new second hand lens.

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