Sunday, 6 August 2017

What is the best camera?

 What is the best camera, the one you have with you. it is really that simple.
Last weekend I went to Auckland for a friends birthday. I took my cell phone and that was my camera for the weekend, a personal challenge.
Both these images were taken and processed in phone. I was thinking about the technology I had in my hands compared to the days of film. My phone shoots approx 16mp .

After a little research I found that just as different sensors produce different resolutions, different types of film will also produce different resolutions. with a standard 35mm film,  depending on the type of film used, the resolution fell between 4 and 16 million pixels. For example,  study noted that Fujifilm’s Provia 100 film produced a resolution around 7 MP while Fujifilm’s Velvia 50 produced a resolution around 16 MP. Research also noted that meduim format film could capture around 400mp of information, that's pretty impressive.
This image of the ships was taken on a 5 MP Sensor.
12MP Sensor

36MP sensor


  1. I've enjoyed watching the "Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera" challenge on YouTube:
