Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Storytelling in an image.

If images are to tell or imply a story, they must be about something. They do not have to reflect only deep themes. A photograph of a flower or a beautiful person can be about simple elements, just the beauty of nature or the image can be about innocence or the simple power of  a line.

A good story has a sense of wonder, it often asks more questions than it gives answers. It can be about what you leave in the frame or what you take out. You are responsible for every pixel in the image, if it is there it is because you wanted it to be there or did you.

Consider which lens to use can depend on the story you are trying to tell or the way you want the viewer to think or feel about your image. Being conscious of the tools you have available and being mindful in the use of them will make your storytelling more intentional and compelling so the viewer of your images can get a better feeling of what you want them to experience when viewing your images.

I am think about running a one day Natural light portraiture workshop here in Christchurch NZ, anyone interested, the top portrait was shot using natural light.