Acceptance or Approval, are these the things we look for when we create our images, or do we not give a rats arse.
When we send our images out into the world for our Peers to look at, what are we looking for from them, do we want acceptance from them of the standard of work we are achieving or do we won't their approval that we are doing the right thing. What is the right thing, are we going to be one of the sheep & do what everyone else is doing or are you going to push the envelope. How are you going to progress if you are one of the flock ,not a hope in hell. You have to be brave & take your art by the balls & do what you think is best, remembering many people are going to question your decisions, but the person you have to impress first & foremost is YOU. How would art have been if artist hadn't pushed the envelope & progressed with their art to another level, we would still be painting in the caves wearing leather thongs???????.
I send my images out into the world competition circuit as I want to know that my image/art is progressing with the rest of the world, not just NZ. Do your peers really understand where our mind, emotional state was at when you produced your work. I dont think so, they can only comment on what they see, if they truly look they might get the essence of what you are trying to say but they will never understand what ,why you produced your work.
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