Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Challenge yourself.

Challenge yourself.

I am a great fan of challenging myself, I believe it is important in my growth as an artist photographer to set challenges or some might call it projects.
 I predominantly shoot busy images, images with lots of stuff in them, I challenge myself to produce work that I see as being simple, not busy. I find this hard, but in saying that it causes me to slow down and smell the roses so to speak. My brain both of them generally run at 400MPH with many different ideas, tasks being thought about at the same time. By making/forcing myself to slow down and consider the simple elements of a scene, it gives the brain a rest. I see this as a challenge or a project, so too make it a little more difficult I choose only one lens and only allowed myself to take only 36 exposures, as was the count on a roll of film and no deletes and all images must be usable.
Try it, go out somewhere new or well traveled, take a lens you do not normally use, give yourself a challenge, only 36 shots, only simple, only as a mouse would see the world, as examples. Or go all the way and set a long term project like my Story tellers imagination that I will not stop till I have 50 images, I will then produce a book and that will be the end of that body of work. I will then do something else. Remember a project is not finished in my opinion till it is in either a book, an AV or printed as an exhibition. A project can be on any subject it is your choice like so many things.

If you want more help join me on my workshops

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