Monday, 4 September 2017

Creating Art

 Creating art is a wonderful fulfilling experience. It empowers you to say more than using traditional words. I have difficulty with the written word, so I use art in the form of Photography to tell my stories. As a want to be artist it amazes me the therapeutic nature of art, the healing properties for the artist in producing work from ideas or dreams.
 The process in producing art, is not always easy, as artists we can experience a number of psychological and emotional concerns by producing your work. As artists we are driven by a curious disposition and a desire to communicate ,with this in mind we are also well some of us, sensitive and emotional observers, traits that can raise our vulnerability. These traits that make us thoughtful  or innovative as an artist can also make us susceptible to isolation and discontentment.
Regardless of where an artist is in there journey we all have a level of insecurity about our work, the nagging voice in your head , my work is stupid, not good enough, what if no one likes it. I am listening to Billy Connolly as I write this blog and in the words of my hero, Be yourself and F@#K anyone who does not like your work.

If you like what you read and want to have the opportunity to shoot shots similiar to the ones here then join me on one of my unique workshops.