Thursday, 8 June 2017

Silly Question.

Curiosity, who are you? Why are you in my village?. Honesty in the questions asked, as many have heard me say, there is no such thing as a silly question, if you do not know you don't know. We produce work that people find difficult to understand and we hope that enough people spend time looking at our images to learn what we are trying to communicate, you could always contact the artist and ask. It is one of the difficulties of an artist being understood and with the hope that enough people will look for your work to either study or as we all hope purchase.  As I travel around Savaii island, I encounter many friendly people who ask, where I am from and why I am in Samoa. They do not know so it is not a silly question. On my workshops I often say "it is better to stand up and ask a question and look a little stupid than sit there looking intelligent, but reamining stupid.

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