Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Life is good

Yesterday we spent time at a preschool. The innocence of these children. We took along some school supplies, which they used straight away, drawing pictures and learning numbers plus much more. It reminded me of how complicated life has become. As I cycle around Savaii I am reminded of how one can survive on a simple diet of life. I always feel refreshed on these trips, the jungle, the people, the falas and the friendliness of the people we meet. Traveling with my new camera system which I love an done again am happy with my choice of system. So easy to get it right in the camera time and time again ,post processing kept to a minimum, life is good. 


  1. Fantastic Scott. I'm still trying to remember to check the histograms - and not rely on the rear screen which tells fibs. I hear you with simplicity of life though - I'm drowning in necessary technology right now.

  2. Gorgeous wee soul, they will enjoy their school supplies.
    Remind me what your new camera system is. I had a feeling that you had gone from mirrorless back to DSLR?

  3. Hi Pam. Yes i went away from sony full frame to nikon d810 and i have the travel lens on. 28mm to 300mm excellent travel lens. From mirrorless to DSLR.
