Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Let the rest of us.

So the last stage, is the image you are going to show to your family, friends or perhaps the world. Have you produced an image of the scene you captured that is more than a record shot. Have you added your own feelings and opinions of the scene you witnessed.  Is the image the best you can make it, if you are going to enter it into a competition, does not matter if it is a club or an International salon you need to make sure you give the judge no reason, technically to throw the image out. Do remember that some judges do not have the understanding of all types of processing and can make mistakes. I have had a very good image, well i think so and that is all that matters, unaccepted by a judge because he considered the B&W image to be pixelated, simply he did not understand the dynamics of grain, when I confronted him about this he had to admit his mistake. I am a judge and we do make mistakes, sorry.
So you decide to print your image, first thing is print to the largest resolution you can, lets say 300 DPI not 72DPI. Paper choice is another massive subject, there are some very good papers out there, it can be an expensive exercise, however there is nothing better than seeing a well printed image hanging on a wall. make a book of your image. Whatever you decide, do something with them rather than letting them lie on the hard drive, share, let the rest of us see what you are seeing.

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