Wednesday, 21 June 2017


 Out and about yesterday I got a few images I like. We came across some young men fishing, so we stopped and chatted as you do and I captured a few images. During the afternoon I went for another walk and came across some kids playing on the beach so I spent sometime talking to them, then photographed them at play. I spent about 30 minutes with them, they played games and teased the funny old Palangi who was taking their  images and talking to them  with a funny accent. Do not know if they have heard a Scottish/Kiwi accent before but it made them laugh and if you have never heard a Samoan child laugh you have missed something very special in life. It is infectious and you cannot help but laugh  with them. While I was sitting with them happily shooting away I was thinking that children of Samoa have been photographed thousands of times, what is it that I can bring to the image to make my image of them unique.

It is no different to photograph anything that has been done million times like the Wanaka tree, what can you do too make it different so that people viewing it will know you took it, can you be unique in your approach to the subject, can you capture its soul, the gesture, that comes from you, that nano second that will never be repeated or the rest of the us to enjoy. Do you give all the answers in your images or do you leave some questions for the viewer.

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